Positively, the reliability of the web hosting service is one of the most important factors that you should examine before you opt for a web hosting package, but also the account management procedure shouldn’t be unreasonably difficult. You would not want to sign in and out of separate admin consoles all the time to do a few elementary tasks, would you? With the most popular Control Panels, there are at least 2 accounts for a site – billing and hosting, so you’ll have to log in and out of 2 separate admin interfaces to register a brand-new domain, then to host it and to upload the website files pertaining to it. It would be much more convenient if you could administer everything connected with your domain names in a single location and save a lot of time and effort, not to mention that it’d be far easier to perform certain tasks.
Feature-rich Domain Manager in Cloud Hosting
The Domain Manager, which is integrated into our custom-developed Hepsia Control Panel and which is included with each and every cloud hosting plan, will grant you full command over your domains. Not only can you carry out basic tasks such as registering or renewing a domain name, editing the WHOIS details or activating Whois Privacy Protection, but you can also access more advanced options such as setting up an email address, a database or an FTP account, keeping track of visitor and traffic statistics or accessing the DNS records for any domain name registered under your web hosting account. Aside from the convenience of having everything in one single place, another great strength of our tool is that all the functions are amazingly easy to access and to use, so you can benefit from it even if you’ve never used a web hosting plan before.